понедельник, 14 мая 2012 г.

Selling real estate again fell in Cyprus

In techenye ïîñëåäíèé 22 months the number sdelok with housing in Cyprus snyzhaetsya. Specialists do not vydyat significant Restore in the near future and predskazыvayut dalneyshee uhudshenye situation.

Nevzyraya to it that the znachytelno podeshevela Cyprus real estate, As the year 2007 with www.thaimir.ru respectively poteryaly in price of apartments and houses in average 20% and 11%, but buyers are less stanovytsya. According to experts, rolled reins for the decline of demand for real estate Cyprus can be otnesty uzhestochenye credit covered policy banks, povыshayuschayasya bezrabotytsa, as well as Universal neotchetlyvost potentsyalnыh buyers comparative tempo of development of economy of the island, said BestNews.

461 contract for the purchase of real estate was a zarehystryrovan in April 2012 year in the Land Reestre Cyprus. During the same time, but hodom earlier, s That was 542. Almost 15% Thus, amounted padenye sale. Otnosytelno boom in 2007, nablyudavshehosya to market real estate Cyprus, the Bolsheviks, something fell to 70% of demand for housing mestnoe.

Government Island Situated k mestnыm assistance to banks, who perezhyvayut not ñàìûé Good time. Nevertheless, such occasions Actions could neperenosymuyu stress on state-owned Resources, so the properties will be vыnuzhdenы adresovatsya loan fund k EUROPEAN fynansovoy stabylnosty (EFFS).

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