среда, 6 февраля 2013 г.

Inflation went to Ukraine

Most prices grew on vegetables and hot water. Госстат fixed a consumer price(inflation) advance on 0,2%% in January. As compared to January, 2012 prices went down on 0,2%%. About it talked in the report of department. Most last month prices grew on vegetables - 6,4%%, hot water and heating - 1,6%%, and also bread - 0,7%%. Thus a clothing and shoe became cheaper - on a 0,7%%, fuel - 0,8%%, fish - 0,8%%, meat - 0,2%%. We will remind that in 2012 Ukraine first for 10 made off a year with deflation. After it a prime minister Nikolay Azarov declared that a government intends to give up hard монетарной politics, to provide moderate inflation in a country.

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